Turbanphobia is a syndrome that knows no borders. The Sikhs have been unfortunate targets of those afflicted by this syndrome and therefore the source of following Sikhtoons. Most Sikhtoons are accompanied by supplementary news items.

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TSA Profiling App FBI Warning Death Threat Journalist Ignorance No More Ragheads Sikh Mayor Turban Rap Sikh NYC Ride NYPD Singh Bully market in NYC NYC Osama attack Problem with Turbans? National Geographic Sarkozy Manmohan TSA scan Despicable Me US army gets Sikh Texas Hate Attack best of Britain the European Union US army turban policy Turban Stimulus Package Extreme Makeover Texas Style Turbans R Us Tour de France in Turbans Wanted in Houston The Scream No Turbans! Sarkrazy on Turbans Bullies Beware Flying while Sikh! New York for Dummies No Turbans at Disney! Bullied in New York Turban Phobia Down Under American Jihadist Turbans in France! Keep your turban on Who's the diaperhead? The American Turban Chronicle Lawrence Of Phobia Idiots Guide for Blind Patriotism French Whine! Oxford Attack on Sikh American Idiot French Turban Ban Turban Ban in Belgium No to Paris 2012 Canadian Bozo French Olympic Bid Iraqi & American terror French Blow to Turbans KPS Gill 'Toronto Star'

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