This cartoon is inspired by the widespread sympathy laden comments for Sikh victims of hate crimes in New York and Mississippi identifying
'ignorance' and 'misperception' as the main culprits. So apparently the targeting is not the problem, the accuracy of the aim leaves something
more to be desired!
For those not familiar with American history, Paul Revere and William Dawes were 18th century patriots who helped sound the alarm for the
approach of British forces before battles of Lexington and Concord.Read more to learn about them here.
Possible hate crime: Sikh professor says he was beaten by men yelling, 'Get Osama' - CNN (Sept 23, 2013)
Judge to Sikh Man: Remove 'That Rag' after cops taunt him as 'terrorist' - America Civil Liberties Union (Sept 25, 2013)
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