Hindutva is a movement heralded by multiple right wing fascist Hindu organizations in India whose explicit purpose is to form a Hindu nation based on a common identity. This has translated into Sikhism being cooked into a 'Hindu sect'. The following Sikhtoons captures some of the Hindutva efforts. Most Sikhtoons are accompanied by supplementary news items.

Vampire visits Punjab Born Out of Hindus Big Fat Lies Sikhs are Hindus! India's Religion Intolerance Varun Gandhi's tirade Punjab's Legal Shark I am a Sehajdhari Sikh! A Christian Conspiracy? You are all Hindus RSS's Deadly Whopper Crafted in Hindustan! Genocidal Mantra She Lies RSS distorts 'Vaisakhi' Liar Liar! Sikhs'R'Hindus! Kiss of Death Rulda Unmasked Rulda the Snake RSS Meditations Consuming Sikhism Indentity Thieves Mantra Invisible Sword

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